Why We Bike

Why do you bike?

Billions of people around the world use a bicycle, and for a number of different reasons. Why do they choose biking as opposed to other activities?

Exercise: cycling is an excellent form of exercise, in part because it is low-impact and is generous on your joints, which former competitive athletes especially value. Biking at a higher intensity has even been linked to longer life expectancy.

Sightseeing: there are few better ways than biking to explore a landscape. It is faster than walking and running, so you can cover more ground; it is slower than driving, which lets the biker become engage more with their surroundings. Many bikers love the freedom that comes with — nothing feels more rewarding than reaching the top of an uphill climb and then gliding down the other side, swiveling your head to soak in the world around you.

Reducing emissions: swapping your car for a bike saves about 150 grams of CO2 per kilometer. Cities like Amsterdam and Copenhagen are increasingly setting a model for an urban transportation balance, with cities like New York and Chicago following suit with Citi Bike and Divvy.

Fun: biking is tons of fun, from sightseeing with friends to the rush of winning a race. Like many patrons of Barcycle know well, it can even be a way to offset calories you gain by drinking beer. Your next biking adventure can be customized anyway you want, and we’re here to help!


Runs Around the World


5 Cycling Locations